Although the run up to Christmas inevitably results in a slow down in the construction industry, the requirements for Yanmar TNV engines doesn’t appear to have followed the same route. Perhaps its this years ‘must have’ present, although if I unwrapped a Yanmar engine for my Christmas present I would be a little disappointed to say the least.

This month’s stock order has just arrived, sadly not gift wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper, and from 30 engines arriving 8 left the same day on back-orders to customers. On the lorry were Yanmar 3TNV70 for Takeuchi’s and John Deere Gators, Yanmar 3TNV76 for Thwaites and Volvo’s, Yanmar 3TNV82A and Yanmar 3TNV88 for Takeuchi’s, Wacker Neuson’s, Volvo’s, Komatsu’s and Thwaites, Yanmar 4TNV88 for Takeuchi’s and general use and 3TNM74F for Kawasaki Mules.

If you feel a burning desire to purchase a Yanmar TNV engine for your loved-ones this year, don’t delay, contact the UK’s largest supplier of Yanmar engines and get your order in quick before they all sell out……………….you know it makes sense.